Rebecca L. Berger, AuD
A lot of you know that my wife, Dr. Rebecca Berger (Becky), has been an audiologist working at The Hearing Clinic, under Otorhinolaryngology, Inc. for over 25 years. (Both of those entities are now under Allied Physicians of Michiana, also known as APOM.) This Spring she decided to go out on her own and is starting Berger Audiology, LLC. She had always hoped to convince The Hearing Clinic to expand the services in Plymouth, but they never saw the potential that she did. The parting was as amicable as those things can be. Becky is in the process of finding a location for her new practice, purchasing equipment, developing a logo, developing a website and all the other fun things that go along with starting a new business.
If you want a status update, feel free to contact me here (574) 842-3341. Julie will know most of what’s happening, but feel free to ask for Kevin and I will give you the latest scoop!
Please join us tomorrow, May 1st at 10:15am as Governor Pence visits to provide an overview of the 2015 legislative session at The Vault (located inside The Exchange), 112 W. Jefferson Blvd., South Bend.
This is a great opportunity for business and community leaders from our region to thank the Governor for his advocacy of the Regional Cities Initiative and for making it a priority in budget negotiations with the legislators. Also to demonstrate the great enthusiasm and regional collaboration occurring in north central Indiana as we now move forward in the competition to earn half of the $84M slated in the budget to support our Regional Cities of Northern Indiana projects.
If you are not able to attend the update, please consider sending a note to Governor Pence via his constituent representative at: Having the governor hear a huge thank you from the business community will be extremely helpful for future funding years.
Provided by Linda Yoder, Executive Director, Marshall County Community Foundation
Image Source: Inside Indiana Business
Jim Condon – Plymouth H.S. Principal
Last evening I attended a celebration for Jim Condon, Plymouth High School Principal. He was being honored for being named Indiana High School Principal of the Year. I’m not sure what one does to stand out amongst your peers in the field of High School Principals, but being named such by peer review from other principals makes it quite an honor. Dan Tyree, Plymouth Superintendent of Schools, emceed the event where Jim received several awards and accolades. Plymouth Mayor, Mark Senter, spoke and presented Jim with a proclamation of Plymouth’s appreciation for him, part of which was to name December 11, 2014 Jim Condon Day in Plymouth.
Mayor Senter Congratulating Jim Condon
I mainly know Jim through our association on the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) Board. Jim came on the board several years ago and in the time since I have grown to respect his thoughtful approach to all matters. I’m proud to call Jim a friend and also proud of his well-earned award. Congratulations Jim!
Oh, and Happy Jim Condon Day to all!
Picture Source:
What a difference a week makes. Last week the EFIS crew was finishing up with the base material. (See Below) This week we have the finish coat in place. Is that Blue or is that BLUE! Ha! Time to install the Chevy sign!
After seven years of effort, the Metronet extension to Marshall County is going to break ground tomorrow. This is the culmination of a partnership between Marshall County, St. Joseph County and the City of Plymouth. Private partners included Hoosier Tire and St. Joe Regional Med Center. MCEDC helped play a role for which I am proud.
Hopefully this first step into Marshall County will lead to wiring the rest of the county with the same high speed Internet connectivity. More and more we’re finding that access to the Internet is considered as important as water, sewer and roads when businesses are considering their infrastructure needs.
If you want to join the pomp & circumstance, be there tomorrow, May 2nd at 1:00pm. (Invitation to the right)