For the TL;DR crowd, I am not a fan of Daylight Savings Time and more specifically the silliness of changing clocks all the time. Here’s a new video that explains it and tells why it’s antiquated.
Even Neil deGrasse Tyson says it’s ridiculous now (below), and “No One Gives A Rat’s Ass”. We invented electricity. Duh!
Admittedly, “Fall Back” is the least objectionable of the annual DST time changes, but it still messing with my system and is less than desirable. This time <pun intended> I’ll late the CATO Institute do the heavy lifting and explain why DST leads to “Dead Children” in their #EndDST article here. And again, Indiana is the poster child for why the energy savings justification is debunked. When Indiana adopted DST in 2006, energy use went up…
There is still active legislation trying to eliminate DST on the Federal level. Contact your Senator and Congressman and ask them to push this! Marco Rubio has been pushing this for several years.
As usual, the CATO Institute has a great article here with lots of great charts, facts and quotes, but John Oliver still wins the award for the funniest take… “If it doesn’t benefit our energy bill, our health or even our stupid, stupid cows… Daylight Savings Time: How is this still a thing?” Enjoy!
It’s another grumpy Time Change Monday. I guess on the positive side, I beat the DST Heart Attack spike. (24% on the Monday after the Spring time change.) I think I beat the 8% spike in strokes, but since I’m a bit groggy today, I’m not as confident about that one!
My lurkers know that I’ve written (bitched) about DST here before. My stance against it hasn’t changed. Some of my past posts have exonerated Ben Franklin’s culpability in this, Exonerated Cows in this, shown that DST is not universal and celebrated Marco Rubio’s championing of ending this.
I have read that the Sunshine Protection Act passed the Senate unanimously last year and then stalled in the House. I understand it passed the Senate again this year and is now in the House. If Senator Rubio declared his candidacy for President and promised to ditch the DST time change, he’d rocket to the top of the heap in my estimation. I know, as much as I liked Governor Mitch Daniels, I still curse him for his part in pushing DST for Indiana.
Not much to do at this point, but suck it up and muddle on. It will be better in a week or so. Doesn’t mean I have to like it though…
If you want some history on DST, Accuweather has a nice write up here.
Everyone talked about the extra hour of sleep they got Sunday morning. Nope. Still woke up at the same time. Then tired all day. This morning was the same thing. I’ll be dragging all week. We really need to end this idiocy…
Granted, Fall is better than Spring when it comes to the DST change, but change is bad. Nope. Nope. Nope. I do not like it…
You can find a couple of my previous DST rants here and here or just search DST in the search bar. Nothing as good as John Oliver did in the video above, but still worth it if you want to laugh at my folly… or with a few of them, maybe even learn something. Ha!
Ugh! Time Change Again…
November 4, 2024
Kevin Berger
Commentary, Personal, Rants
DST, government, Rants
Indiana used to be as smart as Arizona, but Mitch Daniels dumbed us down. Or as those of us in Marshall County remember, put us on Heim Time…