Becky and I attended the Memorial Day service at the Fletcher Cemetery just outside Hamlet yesterday. It was a very respectful service and I was pleased that they had a reasonably good turnout with a spread of ages. Thank you to the veterans there and across the nation for their service. I spoke to one of the veterans that said he had war veteran family members in that cemetery dating back the the Civil War and the Spanish American War. That is a lot of history for a small cemetery in rural Indiana.
The service included reading a well written letter from Indiana State Senator Arnold, a traditional 21 gun salute and the playing of taps. It was all well done and we were glad we went.
Easterday Construction will be participating in Red Shirt Fridays again this year to show our support for our troops. All of our employees have been given red shirts like those to the right. Participation is voluntary, but on random Fridays all ECC employees wearing their red shirts get a $5 bonus. At the end of the summer, an equal amount will be contributed to Bugles Across America, a not-for-profit organization started by Tom Day of Berwyn Illinois to provide live bugle players for the funerals of service men and women.
Red Shirt Friday is a national not-for-profit organization that promotes recognition of those that serve in our armed forces and what they sacrifice for us. All of us at ECC are proud to show our support.
I put a lot on the blog about the volunteer work I do… mainly because that’s at the forefront of my mind. But there’s no doubt that I’m not the only community minded employee at Easterday Construction Co., Inc. Pictured at the right are two other ECC employees, Julie Heise and Bob Cooper, at the Culver Relay for Life event. According to the website they were part of 432 participants raising nearly $42,000 in donations.
Julie is very involved in volunteer projects at the school with sports and cheerleading. Bob is a volunteer with Culver EMS and serves on their board of directors. We proud of all our employees that give back to the community. While they’re not doing this as representatives of Easterday Construction, they no doubt enhance our image with their efforts. Great Job!
What a difference a week makes. Last week the EFIS crew was finishing up with the base material. (See Below) This week we have the finish coat in place. Is that Blue or is that BLUE! Ha! Time to install the Chevy sign!
I attended the groundbreaking for the new shell building in the Plymouth Industrial Park today. I got to wear multiple hats at this. Both PIDCO and MCEDC are partners in this venture and I sit on both boards. Easterday Construction Co., Inc. is doing the electrical installation for the building. There were a lot of nice words said about the project, but it’s hard to convey how much coordination went into getting all of the groups together on this. Not only PIDCO and MCEDC as listed above, but also the City of Plymouth and the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission had to come to terms on the project. It was a major effort over two years to make this happen. The building is scheduled to be complete early this Fall.
I’m hopeful that this will lead to similar projects throughout Marshall county. I have spoken to Culver about this. Argos could easily pursue this on the new Shovel Ready site they’re developing. The other Marshall County communities should be considering it as well.
For more particulars about the project, check out the MCEDC page on it here.