Not the greatest picture, but this is a mock-up of the revised Berger Audiology sign at the new Pine Creek Center location. It’s at 2930 Miller Drive, the former location of Help at Home next to Edward Jones. We’re looking into an awning for the front. That should dress it up a little.
Becky is pushing to get open. She’s hoping that can be next week. Some equipment was installed on Friday and networking is supposed to be completed tomorrow.
Before she left last week, Becky signed a lease to locate in Pine Creek Center, the plaza west of Lifeplex and Hacienda where the License Branch is. Berger Audiology will be on the east side of the building adjacent to Edward Jones. The address will be 2930 Miller Drive, Plymouth, Indiana. I’m chasing signage for her. Unfortunately it looks like there will be a long lead time on that, so we may have to do something temporary. So if you’re looking to find Dr. Rebecca Berger, she’ll be there soon, but you may have to look a bit… You can always call here at Easterday Construction for updates or drop me an email. There will continue to be posts here and you can find them under the Berger Audiology category to the right.
I’m in the process of setting up a website too. when we get there. Too many things to do!
In the mean time, Becky is still out pedaling across Iowa. Today is the third day of RAGBRAI, so by the end of the day she should be somewhere around the halfway point. I do email updates to anyone interested, so if you want to see those, let me know and I’ll add you to the list. I blind copy the group, so I won’t share your address beyond Becky.
The first day, Sunday, was pretty brutal for her with lots of hills. 75+ miles and a climb of nearly 4000′. Second day was around 75 miles again and ditto for today, though the terrain has been better than the first day.
The whole Berger Audiology start up really got in the way of her training this year. She briefly considered skipping it, but this is something like her 14th year in a row of doing it and she didn’t want to break that string.
To the left is a picture of the bathtub races she ran across yesterday. She said they looked pretty heavy since they filled them with people and water before the race. I’ll try and post some other things later this week.
Well, Becky has headed off for RAGBRAI again this year. She and Toni left at noon today to make their way to the east side of Iowa. With all the things revolving around the start of Berger Audiology, she hasn’t gotten nearly as much training in as usual, so we’re hoping she makes it. She’s pretty stubborn, so she’ll probably have to be pulled off the bike before she gives up.
I generally do email updates. If you want to be on the email list, let me know.
Well, Becky has decided on a logo for Berger Audiology LLC. The first mock up is to the right. (I know it’s kind of small, but hopefully you can click on it and blow it up larger.) She’s in the process of getting signage for the new location. Lots to learn and lots of details involved with setting up a new business. That along with training for her regular RAGBRAI excursion. Let me know what you think about the logo. We’re pretty pleased about it as a starting point.
So… Culver Elementary School sends their smoking staff across the street to use our curb in front of our office as a smoking lounge since they have a non-smoking campus. Miller’s Merry Manor on the north side of town is a non-smoking campus… so they’re sending the smoking construction workers (Not Ours!) across the street to smoke on the Culver High School non-smoking campus. Can’t you just hear Elton John singing, “It’s the circle of life…” Of course that might not be the appropriate reference since we’re talking cancer sticks here, but you get the drift…
Image borrowed from Shed Simove