Culver Antiquarian and Historical Society Museum Entrance
We’ve been working on a couple of projects for The Antiquarian & Historical Society of Culver. This is a continuation of the Museum room renovation we completed for them in the basement of the Culver Union Township Public Library. We’ve been working with their Museum Designer, Ted Swigon of Chicago Scenic Studios, Inc., as he creates the displays for the museum build-out. The first project is a simulation of the train station shelters in the hall leading to the museum entrance. Mr. Swigon had us recreate one of the posts from the west pavilion at the Town Park. The Park pavilions were formerly attached to the train station and served as shelters for loading passengers. The pavilions were later relocated to other areas in the park. We also created a simulation of the dentils at the top edge on a slightly smaller scale. We reduced them in size and eliminated some of the details. Mr. Swigon wanted the feel of the station but didn’t want the details to be overwhelming. The “CULVER” sign is a scaled recreation of the sign found shown in pictures of the station when it was in operation. A vintage picture of a train at the station will be blown up and adhered to the doors beneath the display. This not only will draw visitors to the museum entrance, but helps disguise the existing mechanical room doors at the end of the hall.
A special meeting of the Culver Town Council was held on June 9, 2009 to discuss the possibility of a Garden Court in Culver next year. As discussed earlier here, I had approached several property owners around Town about the potential for a Garden Court project on their land. I was given the opportunity to discuss it with several of them and one, Mr. Wade McGee, has chosen to pursue it with us. Mr. McGee and I met with the Town Council on the 9th and discussed various goals including water extensions, sewer extensions, fire protection, annexation, rezoning and future plans for that property as well as the adjacent properties. Some members of the Plan Commission and the BZA attended that meeting as well and the implications regarding their various needs and requirements were also discussed.
All and all the meeting went well. In premise, it was agreed that Mr. McGee would continue to work with Garden Court on their proposed facility and would request annexation, while the Town Council agreed to extend water and sewer to the property and to support the rezoning of the property from S-1 Suburban Residential to R-2 Residential. This change is in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan and with other goals currently being pursued by the Town Council.
Following that meeting was the regular Town Council meeting. At that meeting, Reverend Liechty, President of Garden Court, Inc., renewed their request for the Town Council to support the new Garden Court for Culver and to renew their financial pledge towards the project. A letter was requested verifying that a Garden Court would be acceptable on the proposed property. All these things were agreed to by the Council.
It looks like we’re moving forward!
Record Display created by Easterday Construction for the Culver Boys & Girls Club Fundraiser
Carol Zeglis commissioned the construction of a display piece for use at the Boys & Girls Club Fundraiser. She wanted a large “Record” that guests could walk through. This goes with the Fabulous 50’s theme they are using for the this evening’s event. She wanted something substantial that could be repainted and used again in the future. The picture shows it in place at the Culver Academy’s Multi-purpose building during preparations for the event.
We designed this based on concept pictures and design discussions with Mrs. Zeglis. We constructed this using an expanded foam interior wrapped in a plywood veneer. It is divided at the top and has removable bases. In the picture, it is shown before the bases were installed. It has rope lighting accents around the inner edge. The diameter of the circle is over 12′ and the record stands approximately 9′ tall. It is approxiately 19″ thick. Schoberg & Schoberg from Plymouth did the painting that makes it look like a record. (Nice job Martha!)
Fundraiser Cafe' Tables made with tops donated by Easterday Construction.
This is also the event where our table tops will be put to use. They dressed up pretty nicely with table cloths on them! These were previously discussed in our blog here.
I was pleased to see the party set up and it’s unfortunate that I won’t be able to attend. There seemed to be quite a few interesting auction items and it looks like a good time will be had by all!
Best of luck to Carol and all the organizers. We hope their efforts are rewarded. The kids they are serving deserve our support.
The Culver Boys and Girls Club is having its annual fund raising event at the Culver Academies on Friday, June 19th in the Multi-Purpose Room. The theme this year is “The Fabulous ’50s”. Support the kids and have a great time at the Fabulous ’50s Silent Auction & Party. Enjoy food, beer, wine, and cocktails from local restaurants all while having the opportunity to bid on exciting silent auction items from vaction stays and sports tickets and memorabilia, to orginial works of art. See a special performance by acclaimed hula hoop artist Kara Vogt and cheer on 11 local celebrities as they compete in a spirited hula hoop contest. Tickets are $40 each or 2 for $75 and may be purchased in advance or at the door.
This group does a wonderful service helping Culver Youth with after-school activities, homework help and general good citizenship. For more information regarding the event you can visit their site here. There is also a silent auction and they have pictures of many of the auction items at the website as well. There are also opportunities to sponsor events.
If you go to the event you may be sitting your drink on one of the 9 cafe table tops donated by Easterday Construction Co., Inc. for the event. We sent those out last week for assembly by the table base makers. We appreciate all the efforts of the volunteers that run this organization and were pleased to be able to help with this event.
The Grace United Church of Christ and the Wesley United Methodist Church have started a Community Garden in Culver as part of their outreach ministry. The garden is at the northeast corner of North Slate Street and West Lewis Street in Culver. This is the first year for this project at this location. It will be interesting to observe its success since it is just down the street from our office.
Easterday Construction Co., Inc. has helped support this effort by donating steel stakes for tomato cages and wood stakes for row markers. We received a nice thank-you note from the organizers. We are happy to support this community effort and wish the two Churches every possible success with this new undertaking. We take pride in our community and participate in community efforts where we can. Many of our employees volunteer their time and skills to make Culver a better place.
As you can see in the note, the organizers need worker bees to help tend the garden. If you have a green thumb and time to donate, step up to the plate and get your hands dirty! It’s for a good cause.