An interesting tidbit I picked up from Nina Easton’s article The Pay Gap is Vexing, But Don’t Blame the Rich: A Defense of the 1% in the April 30th addition of Fortune Magazine.
“Harvard’s Lawrence Katz has calculated that even if all the gains of the top 1% were redistributed to the 99%, household incomes would go up by less than half of what they would if everyone had a college degree.”
Random Thought: At what point did it become okay to refer to government subsidy programs as “entitlements”? It’s scary that it’s moving up in the definition list! Apparently the third definition has a lot to do with the second definition getting out of control…
Primary Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of “entitlement”: The state or condition of being entitled.
Secondary Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of “entitlement”: A government program providing benefits to a specified group.
Third Merriam-Webster Dictionary definition of “entitlement”: The belief that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges.
I’m not a big fan of Daylight Savings Time as my lurkers already know. It’s not getting any better. Becky’s not a big fan of the deserts of Arizona, but its position as the lone state refusing to participate in this madness makes living there seem more attractive.
I was dragging when I got up this morning and I was dragging all the way through lunch. It’s about 11:00 pm as I’m writing this and I’m not sleepy. It will take me a couple of weeks to get on the new cycle. For those of you that have to deal with me, bear with me please. I will try not to be any more surly than absolutely necessary.
As I was trying to wake up this morning I ran across this article in the LA Times which didn’t make me feel any better with its discussion of the dark side of DST including anxiety, heart attacks and car accidents. Sleep deprivation is a wonderful thing… NOT! Can you imagine having Daylight Savings Time listed as the cause of death in your obituary?
Once again, in an attempt to make lemons into lemonade, I’ll remind you that this is a good time to check/replace the batteries in your smoke detectors. Those of you that are sleep impaired like I am need all the help you can get as you acclimate to this unnecessary assault on your internal clocks… Sweet Dreams!
Taken from the March 2012 Issue of Free Enterprise Magazine produced by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Visit