Jeff Kenny did a nice job on the coverage of the Entry Level Housing discussion at the Town Council. I’ve included the scans of the article here if you want to read it. (I only included the portion discussing Entry Level Housing.) I think you can blow up the scans on the right so they are legible.
I’m pleased that things are moving forward, but frustrated that they have moved as slowly as they have up to this point. All of the sudden we’re in a crunch to get things done since the grant deadline is November 2nd. Because the decision finally came down to putting the development on my property, I’ve been thrust into the position of getting the variances, abatements, etc. in my name. Most of this is going to require special meetings due to the timing. Not a big deal, but it’s all about time…
Jeff also did a side bar article on the property and my history with it. It was cut up a bit as it appeared in the paper, so I’ve included the text here instead of doing scans. That also let me put links into some of the things he mentions in case you want to follow up. The side bar article follows:
Easterday Construction Co., Inc. joining Associated Builders and Contractors of Indiana on this date in 1983. Then company President Larry Berger signed ECC up as a member because we had similar goals and principals to those exposed by ABC. The organization has gone through some changes over the years, most notably the combining of ABC Indiana with ABC Kentucky, but for the most part the underlying core principals have remained the same and have remained aligned with those of Easterday Construction Co., Inc.
Over the past 25 years I have served on the regional council steering committee and have represented the regional council on the State Board of Directors and I am currently still serving on the State Board. At times I am disheartened that organizations such as these are necessary since a large part of ABC’s mission is to combat government overreach, special interest group agenda’s and just generally keeping its membership aware of the constantly changing regulations. But it is for those same reasons that Easterday Construction Co., Inc. has remained a member and we are thankful that the organization is there for us.
My father, Larry Berger, attended Rose Poly (now Rose Hulman) and was back there for a Homecoming event. He received a Blue Crest and Plaid jacket. He has been a supporter of the school and served on several committees/task forces. Dad is third from the left. One of the cool things here is that he has remained friends with Bill Perkins, just to Dad’s left, since they were fraternity brothers there. They continue to get together socially and both have winter places in suburbs of Phoenix, AZ.
Dad’s pleased that his grandson, Kameron Eisenhour, followed him to Rose and is currently a Jr. in the engineering program.
Hopefully that jacket doesn’t see a lot of wear though! Wow!
Vanadco Signs installed a new awning at Berger Audiology on Thursday. (And just in time for the rain today!) They did a nice job for Becky. It’s an aesthetic improvement that makes the office look more professional. Becky says she thinks it has lowered the temperature in the waiting area by about 10 degrees, plus she is able to open the blinds sooner in the morning. I think that concludes the building improvements and Dr. Rebecca Berger’s office is officially complete. Keep an eye out for a Ribbon Cutting in the near future.
If you want to see the before picture, you can find that in a previous post here.
Happy Constitution Day! Congress created Constitution Day in 2004 and chose September 17 as the day to celebrate it based on that being the last day of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. Take the quiz at the Washington Post site here if you want to learn more. Hint: Apparently Benjamin Franklin is never the correct answer… <sigh>
Take a moment today to remember the 39 brave men who signed that document in 1787. Their courage and commitment should be celebrated.