So the other day I saw a picture of Joe Biden and couldn’t get over how much he looked like Jeff Dunham’s puppet, Walter. I went to google some pictures to prove my point and found that I’m not the only one that noticed the resemblence! Ha! There is a site here that points out what I noticed.
Last Friday I spoke at Career Day for the Culver Middle School. This was a presentation to the seventh grade class. The class was broken into 4 groups and they made the rounds between several of us who had volunteered to speak. Last year I had to compete with Angela Ridenhour’s presentation on Photography. Apparently she was the favorite. This year one of my fellow presenters was a police officer from the K-9 unit with a police dog. What did W.C. Field’s say? “Never work with animals or children.” I’m guessing I was upstaged. <sigh>
In any case, I did a presentation on Landscape Architecture since it is National Landscape Architecture Month and I hold a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture from Purdue University. I made it somewhat a duel discussion on construction as well since I was introduced as working for Easterday Construction Co., Inc. I was able to draw on my experience from last year, so not much preparation was required. I learned last year that having at least a loose outline was important as by the third or fourth time it becomes difficult to remember what I had said to the current group vs. the preceding groups.
I discussed the profession, the degree requirement, licensing requirements and a general range of what the degree qualifies you to do. I also took them through an impromptu white board sketch of the considerations in developing a lot. I discussed solar heat gain, wind rows and topography considerations as well as the relationships with other homes on adjacent lots. I was also able to discuss the various things happening in Culver with the recently annexed land on the south side of Town and how I have participated in helping revise the Zoning Ordinance and help with guiding decisions on how the land may be used in the future.
It was an interesting experience. The first group was not particularly vocal, but the remaining groups had a mix of interesting and off-the-wall questions. Each group had a different area of interest which actually made it kind of fun. There’s no way I want to become a teacher, but it was somewhat gratifying to think I made a positive impression.
Apparently I actually did. An employee told me that he had a daughter in the class who came home talking about what I had said and actually discussed some of the points that I made. That was fairly impressive. Maybe the dog didn’t take top honors this year?
Anyway, this was a good way to give back to the community. As seventh graders they have a lot of time before they have to decide what they will do with their lives. Hopefully I influenced a few kids and gave them some career options that they hadn’t previously considered. If I did, it was worth a couple of hours on a Friday afternoon. Maybe next year (if asked to participate) I will bring along my dog!
President Obama on his relationship with the U.S. Chamber during his speech there on February 7, 2011.
A workman was killed at a construction site. The police began questioning a number of the other workers.
Based upon past brushes with the law, many of these workers were considered prime suspects. They were a motley crew:
The electrician was suspected of wiretapping once but was never charged.
The carpenter thought he was a stud. He tried to frame another man one time.
The glazier went to great panes to conceal his past. he still claims that he didn’t do anything; that he was framed.
The painter had a brush with the law several years ago.
The heating, ventilation and air conditioning contractor was known to pack heat. He was arrested once but duct the charges.
The mason was a suspect because he gets stoned regularly.
The cabinet maker is an accomplished counter fitter.
The autopsy led the police to arrest the carpenter, who subsequently confessed. The evidence against him was irrefutable, because it was found that the workman, when he died, was hammered.
These horrible puns were sent to me by Electrical Staffing in their quarterly newsletter, Current News.
St. Patrick’s Day isn’t the only holiday being celebrated today. There are a few people around Boston, MA celebrating the day the British troops evacuated during the Revolutionary War. Since 1901 March 17th has been an official holiday, Evacuation Day, in Suffolk County. It is celebrated in several other cities on the east coast on different days based on the day the British army left those areas.
Wonder what color beer they’re drinking…