On a lighter note, I’ll give you my top three Christmas movies. Anyone that knows me knows that my sense of humor is a little non-traditional and probably won’t be surprised by this list. Suffice to say I trend toward the humorous over the “heart-warming”…
Yeah, well, in reality they all have some sort of redeeming, heart-warming ending, but it’s all done with a bit of humor.
Merry Christmas!!!
Tonight at the Culver Town Council meeting the Culver-Union Township Fire Department (CUTFD) received permission to purchase a Neoteric Hover Craft. For those of you interested in some specs, here you go. These are from the Neoteric website: This is a nearly new rescue hovercraft, with only 8 hours of operation. The craft has inline seating for four, and comes with a siren, PA system, 400,000 cp searchlight, red and blue LED light bar, rescue lift system, and stretcher mount. The engine is a 65 HP model with fuel and oil injection.
Personally I was more interested in what they’re going to call the fire fighters that are going to be trained to drive this puppy. After the meeting I suggested the “Air Heads” which Fire Chief Mike seemed to like, but the more I think about it, I think there should be a town wide contest to name the team. As I cautioned Mike, “If you don’t come up with a good name, there will soon be one and it might not be what you want.”
To get the ball started, here are a few off the top of my head:
Okay, so do you have a better idea? Enter yours in the comments if you like.
I am surrounded by sickness here lately. Becky has been sick this week and is hacking and coughing and snotty when I go home. Will and Kathy are both hacking and coughing here at the office. Kathy has been making fun of me for wiping down my phone after she uses it!
For years I’ve been one of those people that wash my hands in the public restroom and then use the paper towel to open the door when I leave. Touchless is great, where everything is on sensors and my preference is for bathrooms without doors or with doors that open out, but that doesn’t always work. I’m not a big fan of the blower dryers for this reason.
Well, I’ve noticed that I’m apparently not the only one. More and more public restrooms have trash cans near the exit. (Keeps me from having to practice my basketball shot across the room!) I got a little vindication from Commercial Building Products magazine this month when I saw the picture here to the right. It came with the caption, “Mounting paper-towel dispensers near an exit door provides users the chance to protect themselves from any germs left behind by others. The conveniently located waste container makes it easy to keep used towels off the floor.” Good plan!
Well, I would have to say that I have been a fan of Star Trek since the original series. Yes, looking back it is cheesy, but it was one of my first exposures to science fiction. No I never had a pair of Spock ears. Yes, some of the current incarnations have been butchered mercilessly. But, really? Teenage Mutant Ninja Kirk? Really!?!
I wonder if Michelangelo’s realizes he’s toast in that red shirt…