I have this vision of rows of these in lieu of office cubicles, each one hooked to a generator so that all the little office worker bees have to generate their own power for their computers. I guess that would reduce goofing off on the internet since you’d have to walk to goof off. People would start bringing real cards to work because online solitare would be too much effort! How many of you remember the bike generator in Soylent Green? “Soylent Green is people!”
This is the TrekDesk. It comes in several models and is supposed to be adaptable to any treadmill. Their site quotes the American Heart Association, saying that 10,000 steps a day can reduce your chances of a heart attack. It also quotes the National Institute of Health saying that walking reduces the risk of Cancer and quotes the American Diabetes Association saying that walking reduces the risk of Diabetes.
It’s an interesting concept for a home office, though I can’t imagine being able to work and read a computer screen while walking or running at any kind of workout pace. I guess any movement is better than none. Seems like it might be a kind of smelly office space too.
The working man’s skirt, a.k.a. the “Utilikilt” is so liberating, pledges its website, that “your burden will be lighter, your sense of freedom less impaired, and your sense of yourself, will have room to grow.”
I considered these as Christmas presents for the Easterday Construction crew, but I thought it might be a little chilly this time of year. On the website there’s a picture of a guy wearing one while roofing… I thought that might be a little more about our crew than most of our clients would want to see. In any case, I thought it was an amusing idea to put out there.