I ranted a bit in a previous post here about the lack of action on the fence at 404 Lake Shore Drive. This has been an ongoing issue since pre-pandemic. While I was recently told nothing could be done about it, things changed when the property owner at 404 Lake Shore Drive applied to combine their two parcels in to one lot at the 1/17/23 Plan Commission meeting.
I attended the meeting with the intention of asking that bringing the fence into compliance be a condition of the replat, but before it got to Public Input, one of the commissioners brought it up on their own. That in itself was gratifying after all this time and hassle. At that time the owner’s representative asked what I wanted done. I requested it be brought into compliance and that there be a date set for compliance. In an abundance of consideration for the homeowner, the date was set for 8/31/23. If for some reason this has not been remedied by that time, daily fines can be requested until it is resolved.
On a somewhat amusing note, the date was pushed to the end of summer due to potential problems in finding a contractor to make the change. One commissioner suggested there was a contractor in the room that could probably do it expeditiously, pointing to me. Somehow I don’t think I will receive that call! Ha! I’m still pleased that this is moving towards resolution. Thank you Culver Plan Commission!