Guest Writer, Sam Socorro submitted this article. Thanks Sam! – Kevin
Whether you’re planning to build your home, a shop, garage, business or if you’re planning on renovating, you might be tempted to save yourself some money by doing the work on your own or with helpful friends and family. If you’re a skilled tradesperson, this idea can actually benefit your savings account in the end, but if your expertise lies outside of construction, you could be setting yourself up for disaster. When building or handling a renovation, there will undoubtedly be interruptions, issues and unforeseen complications that the average person isn’t equipped to handle efficiently. Skilled tradespeople are worth their weight in gold when it comes to having a project done properly, up to code, and within a set budget and time frame. Here are some reasons why researching and hiring a local construction company can be your best bet.
Most construction companies can show you examples of projects that they’ve completed in a book or online, but if your company is local, you have an even better way of determining that their work is up to your standards. Ask them what projects they’re either working on or have completed that you might be able to take a gander at. You can ask them for references as well, and talk to their customers who can give you advice on what they wish they’d known before starting, or about what they loved about their chosen construction company. Doing some background digging can reassure you that hiring a professional is the way to go for your building project.
With a professional construction company, you’re more likely to have information before or when you need it, and you’ll be kept in the loop throughout the project. A good crew will be able to answer your questions or direct you to someone who can, and that person should be regularly available to you. They’re going to be busy, but you should anticipate having your messages returned within 24 hours.
Hiring out your job means that your time can be spent at your regular job and your vacation time can be just that; vacation. A construction company will have the knowledge and experience to complete projects in a timely manner and that will ultimately save you money in the end. Hiring professionals means that your project will be completed far faster than if you attempt to tackle it yourself.
If you haven’t had the experience working in this trade, running into even a common problem will in all likelihood completely derail you. A professional, by comparison, will have run into similar problems during his or her years of employment and will quickly and efficiently come up with a plan to correct any issues and get the job done in spite of setbacks.
Even if you do understand the ins and outs of your project fairly well, do you understand the local bylaws and building codes? Doing a project that doesn’t fall within the guidelines of your county can cause you to spend a lot more time and money on the project than you originally budgeted for. A professional construction company will have a good grasp of what falls within the county guidelines and can help correct your plans so that there are no future issues with your neighbours, town, or MD.
You may be a jack of all trades and fairly handy, but hiring a professional construction company means that you gain the expertise of a variety of trades. The construction company will have access to electricians, plumbers, dry wallers, painters, carpenters, and any other industry tradesperson who is required for the job. Even if they don’t retain people in every trade on their payroll, they will have far easier access to retaining these people for the job when the time comes for their particular skills.
It makes good sense to hire a professional construction company for all of your building needs to save you time, stress and money in the end.
This article was written by Sam Socorro from Steam Shower Store. Sam has been writing articles for over 10 years and is a commanding voice in the health and fitness community with her articles high in demand.
When you donate to eligible endowment funds at the Marshall County Community Foundation on Thursday, May 25, 10% will be added to your gift! Do you need more reasons to donate? Here are mine…
I became a MCCF board member because I see the transformational work the MCCF accomplishes and knew some of the important community leaders that had served before me. Leaders such as Richard Ford, John Zeglis, Carolyn Kline and Barbara Winters. The privilege of working with them or following in their footsteps has been an honor. I strive to do justice to them.
I serve on the MCCF grants committee where I see how unrestricted funds are used to support causes in the community. Through this I’ve learned about many of the good people and organizations throughout our county that make a difference. I’ve been able to support fledgling groups like the Culver Community High School Archery Club and Culver Main Street get off the ground, and helped the Culver Boys and Girls Club and the Lake Maxinkuckee Environmental Council expand their mission. Do you love the West Pavilion on Lake Maxinkuckee? A MCCF grant helped restore that Culver treasure!
I also serve on the MCCF investment committee where I see the time, effort and careful consideration that goes into marshaling the Foundation’s funds to do the most good while keeping an eye on the conservation of their value.
I became a MCCF contributor for various reasons. I have given to the unrestricted fund to help support those groups that come before the grants committee. I have donated to dedicated funds that support causes with missions I believe in, such as Hospice and Habitat for Humanity. And finally, I have contributed to remember and honor friends. I served on the Culver Chamber of Commerce board of directors for over a decade and lost two friends who were fellow board members during that time. For that reason I have contributed to honor the memory of those friends, Ron Tusing and Marianne Ransdell, both of which have memorial funds that give scholarships to CCHS students.
For those of you familiar with Marshall County Community Foundation, you’ll see Marshall County Match Madness as an opportunity to make your charitable donation go further. For those of you unfamiliar with the Foundation, get to know them!
On Thursday, May 25, make sure to donate at: and 10% will be added to your gift. Or, you can go to the Community Resource Center at 510 West Adams Street, Plymouth, and talk to nonprofits and MCCF staff and ask any questions you may have.
Remember, Marshall County Match Madness is on May 25. Let’s make this a stellar day for Culver!
Kevin L. Berger
MCCF Board Member
Becky participated in the The Pilot News “Best Of Marshall County” and was voted best Audiologist! Pretty cool! Not every place that hangs a shingle and sells hearing aids can boast that they have an Audiologist though. It takes extra dedication to obtain a Doctorate, but Becky has always been dedicated to her patients. Her decision to open her own office, Berger Audiology, was largely due to her feeling that Marshall County was underserved. Before going out on her own, she was only here one day a week, despite lobbying her former employer for more time here. She feels good about devoting the time here and her ability to have control of her schedule. She’s also been able to obtain the latest technology which allows her to better serve her clients.
But then I’m biased!
Jonathan Leist, Culver Town Manager, asked me to help him in a forum presentation on Community Collaboration at the Indiana Municipal Management Association (IMMA) annual meeting at Swan Lake Resort on Thursday. Kevin Overmyer was to be the original speaker in my position, but he had to attend the Bill signing in Indy that day and backed out. As Jonathan said, Kevins are interchangeable. He also asked Chuck Kitchell, Interim CSC Superintendent, to participate to help discuss the shared programs between the town and the school.
Jonathan wanted me to give history of the County Development for the Future program since it was an example of community collaboration on a larger scale. He asked me to give examples of collaboration that came from the program and talk about how it had morphed to meet needs over the years. I thought a synopsis of that discussion might be interesting to others here, so here you go!
For those interested, this is a great way to make your donation dollars go just a little bit farther!