If you recall from some of my past posts here and on Twitter, I have been encouraging Culver to update the Comprehensive Plan. I began pushing for this as we were finishing up Stellar as I thought Stellar had put in motion so much of the 2014 plan, that it was time to consider what was next. I had thought 2020 Vision for Culver was an excellent name for the Comprehensive Plan at that time. Then the pandemic disrupted all of our lives. There would have been no reasonable way to hold public input session and other things needed to move a new Comp Plan forward.
Over the past year, Culver’s Town Manager, Ginny Munroe, has created Culver Crossroads, mimicking the model of Marshall County Crossroads which successfully garnered the county Stellar designation. One of the goals with this is to keep the people in Culver that made Stellar happen, together. They are resources that can help Culver do more great things. Since planning is a big part of this, the idea of updating the Comp Plan resurfaced and is now underway with the guidance of MACOG.
One of the first things they are doing as part of public outreach is to ask community members to send a post card from the future. “Imagine you’re living in Culver in 2040, and you would like to send a post card from the future to yourself today. Use this template postcard to write a brief message or draw your vision describing what Culver looks like in 2040, what’s changed from today, and what you like to do for fun or highlight a destination places in Culver.” The postcard format is a little limiting, but it’s a good way to start people thinking and there will be plenty of opportunities to give additional input in the future. I’m more of a planning guy, so that’s where my comments went. For those of you that are interested, this is my card:
Nothing new here and some of this falls under things yet to accomplish from the 2014 Comp Plan, but they are things that I think are important and would move Culver forward with more connectivity and a more diverse economy. (Lately I’ve been accused of being negative. Others will judge that, but my intention is to be pragmatic. That said, you don’t see a lot of pragmatic cheerleaders. Ha!)
If you are interested in filling out a card, they are available at the Town Hall. I’m sure Ginny is gathering any email input she receives, so that would be another way to be heard.
Comprehensive Plans are generally updated every 5 to 15 years. Active and forward thinking communities are doing them at the low end of that scale because they’re moving things forward. Less active communities complete plans when they have to and then shelve them, never acting on them. The more participation the Town gets, the more likely they are to follow through with the plans. Be sure to step up and provide your input. This is probably only second to elections in how you are able to influence the direction of Culver for the Future. Keep an eye on the Town of Culver website as I’m sure there will be more information there soon.