At the Culver BZA meeting on September 18, 2008 there was a variance request for expanding a nonconforming use. The request was to allow an existing two car garage to be expanded to a three car garage. This was an old garage that sat across the setback lines. There was no doubt that the the existing structure should be replaced. The expansion of the nonconforming use in and of itself wasn’t a big deal, but in the overall big picture, it was not only a structure issue, but an impervious surface issue.
Just two days earlier at the Culver Plan Commission meeting, there was discussion regarding the poor condition of the storm sewers in Culver and their inadequacies. That was regarding another section of town that has poor drainage and another project that was adding impervious surface. Even if the solution of adding new and larger storm sewers to correct these issues was economically feasible, it wouldn’t be environmentally appropriate.
On Tuesday, August 19th, Mr. Gary Aker introduced his plans for Maxinkuckee Village to the Culver Plan Commission. He was assisted by Mr. Allen Collins of CMD Construction and his Attorney, Mr. Fred Jones. This was the first trial of Culver’s revised PUD ordinance. The ordinance was revised last year to add a preliminary concept review by the commission to determine if the developer was on the right track or if the commission had fundimental issues with the proposed development. There are still quite a few requirements at this stage including a site plan, topography map, boundary survey and proof of financial capacity. I watched this with interest as it should be a precursor of what happens with the Sand Hill Farm PUD I am considering.
A few months back a group of Culver’s Realtors visited the Plan Commission at a regular meeting. They had concerns regarding the sign section of the Zoning Ordinance and how it was being administered. Most of the administration concerns were that, after years of lax enforcement, our current Building Commissioner has stepped up to the plate and is enforcing the rules that have been on the books for years… as he should. I’m always frustrated that those of us that follow the rules are put at a disadvantage by those that ignore the rules because there are no consequences.
Easterday Construction Co., Inc. has supported little league in Culver for about as long as there has been little league in Culver. We’re proud to do our small part as sponsors of this local endeavor. It’s a wonderful way for kids to learn a skill, learn teamwork and sportsmanship. And this year, we were even able to get the “Easterday Green” as the shirt colors!
Update: I asked Francis Ellert of Coca-Cola, Plymouth if he could get me names of players. Francis is very involved in the Culver Little League program. He gave me the following list of names, though he couched this with, “Some teams made trades and didn’t notify us.” If anyone can give me a line-up in the picture, I’d appreciate it!
Coach: Chris Stevens; Assistant Coach: Tammy Shedrow
Players: Natalie Stevens, Ethan Coyle, Shane Stevens, Madison Shedrow, Oliver Lampton-Adkins, Zachary Culver and Brendan Brown
When I bought the 25 acre portion of the site at auction in 2005 there was a discrepancy in the acreage. The property was listed as approximately 28 acres, but in reality it is closer to 25. Fortunately for me the purchase documents were based on a per acre price. I split the cost of a survey with the seller. The savings were more than enough to pay for my half of the metes and bounds survey as well as allowing me to piggy back an aerial topography on top of that! As near as I can tell, the discrepancy in acreage occurred when additional right-of-way was acquired by the State for State Road 17. The County collected property taxes for decades on property that wasn’t taxable…