Blast from the Past: St. Mary of the Lake

There was just a Dedication day for St. Mary of the Lake Catholic Church on August 28th. This year is the 70th anniversary of laying the corner stone for the Church. I don’t know if Easterday Construction was involved with the construction of the Church then, but we have completed several projects there of which I’m aware.

At one point in the recent past, we removed all the pews and replaced the floors in the sanctuary. We also remodeled and updated the bathrooms in the basement just off the community room. (Have you ever been threatened by a grumpy Priest with a gun?) But the biggest remodel we did was the creation of a new entrance and Day Chapel at the front of the Sanctuary with a glass wall partition between the two.

You can read a fairly detailed description of the project here. We won and ABC Award of Excellence for this project when it was completed in 2007.

Day Chapel Glass Wall Under Construction
Tilework & new counters after restroom renovation

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