I used the new Sand Hill Farm Logo today in a post to Town, Gown and Lake about the Habitat for Humanity site at Sand Hill Farm. (If you’re not on Town, Gown and Lake and and want to read that post, I’ve included it below.) I chose to work with Shelly Schrimsher of Unlocked Creativity since this is a local project. I’d seen her work through her assistance to the Town on the Stellar projects and the new Town Logo. She helped me work through some of the ideas I already had and I think the collaboration resulted in something versatile that I can use for years.
I wanted to include a graphic that brought the sand hill and associated woods into the logo. She did this in a creative way bringing the curve of the hill slope into the “s” in sand. I also asked for the graphic to be independent of the words to make it more versatile and she was able to to do that. And finally I had a vision of the entry sign made from rusted, cut, multi-layer metal on a gabion base/background to carry through the Culver Charrette field stone theme. From several examples I showed her, she was able to provide a mock-up capturing the concept. Now I can show the fabricators what the goal is – which makes it more likely they’ll achieve it for me. This is out for quotes now.
Overall this was a good experience and I am pleased with the results. You’ll be seeing the logo show up more and more as the project moves forward. Give Shelly a shot if you have similar needs.
TGL Post:
The Sand Hill Farm development will be providing a site for a Habitat for Humanity home. The site will be made available this year. The home construction will most likely begin next year.
We have had meetings with Habitat for Humanity of Marshall County and they encourage interested parties to apply now. There are eligibility requirements and service hours required before the home begins. Habitat for Humanity of Marshall County will work with applicants to help clean up credit issues or other barriers to home ownership, so there is inherent value to getting into the program. Service hours may be at the Habitat for Humanity of Marshall County Restore, helping on homes for other and any coursework involved with the application process. You can find an application at the Habitat for Humanity of Marshall County website here and on the Town of Culver website here. There are also copies of the application available at the Town Hall.
If you’re not interested in the home, but know someone that is, please pass the information along. If you’re not interested in the home, but would like to volunteer to help, you can contact them at mashallcountyhabitat@embarqmail.com or phone (574) 935-4214 for more information.
Finally, please keep the Habitat for Humanity Restore in mind. The store is located at 116 South Walnut Street in Plymouth. The success of the Restore has allowed Habitat for Humanity of Marshall County to go from one house per year to two houses per year. There are a lot of good opportunities to purchase items from the store and they are always interested in acquiring new materials or salvaged materials that they can sell. In some cases they will come and do the demolition/salvage themselves. For a partial list of items they accept and/or carry at the store, check out their donation page here. They provide receipts for donated items for tax purposes.
For more information about Habitat for Humanity of Marshall County and their mission, check them out here.
For more information about the Sand Hill Farm development (sporadically and amongst an eclectic mix of other things) check out the Easterday Construction Blog here and our twitter feed here.