Well, Becky has decided on a logo for Berger Audiology LLC. The first mock up is to the right. (I know it’s kind of small, but hopefully you can click on it and blow it up larger.) She’s in the process of getting signage for the new location. Lots to learn and lots of details involved with setting up a new business. That along with training for her regular RAGBRAI excursion. Let me know what you think about the logo. We’re pretty pleased about it as a starting point.
By Lois Evans July 24, 2015 - 12:43 pm
Can’t wait till she gets settled.I wish her the best.
–also my niece–Jan Longenecker, and my two sisters,
Barbara Elliott and Helen Robinson–who all are patients of Dr. Berger.
The logo is very impressive.
Lois Evans
By Kevin Berger July 24, 2015 - 3:29 pm
Thank you! I will pass your well wishes on to Becky. I was up helping get the booth installed today. She has furniture arriving Monday. She will have a phone line set up by the end of the day Monday. The office will be at 2930 Miller Drive in Plymouth. That’s next to the Edward Jones office in Pine Creek Center where the license branch is located. Her phone number will be (574) 935-HEAR.
Thank you again for your kind words! Spread the word!
By Kristine Eisenhour July 26, 2015 - 2:43 pm
Kameron and I love the logo! Can’t wait to see the office. Best of luck to Becky!