Well, here we are heading into 2015. Happy New Year!
It’s going to be interesting starting the new year here with Will and Kathy‘s retirement. We wish them the best. We also lost several friends who passed away, including former employee Dave Epley, and two long time clients, Don Neidig and Richard Ford. They will be missed. Dave was a carpenter with Easterday Construction who was responsible for a lot of detailed work of which we’re quite proud. A fair amount of Dave’s work was performed for Don and Richard, both of whom appreciated fine craftsmanship.
There’s no doubt that the new year will bring new challenges. We can only hope they are ones that intrigue us and help us grow. 2014 brought us a mixed group of clients. Some of these were repeat customers that we consider friends and some of them new clients where we hope we have created friendships. Some of our work has been fairly mundane but necessary like replacing roofs, while others will be memorable such as the new Veterans Memorial at Fletcher Cemetery and the bowling alley we helped install in Yei-Yei’s Game Room. For all of it, we thank our clients for their trust and confidence in us.
On the lighter side (hopefully), I ran across this article from Dorkly about all the things we should expect in 2015 per past science fiction movies. None of the films they cite show rosey pictures for 2015, but at least we’ll finally get flying cars from Blade Runner and that cool hoverboard from Back to the Future II! Then again, Arnold Schwarzenegger cloning himself is a bit scary.
Best Wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous 2015 to all our friends and clients!
Image Source: Will & Kathy by Julie Heise
Image Source: Terminator Arnold borrowed from giphy.com