Development on the South Side of Culver

As recently discussed here, the Culver Plan Commission rezoned the newly annexed area on the south side of Culver to a residential mix of R-1 and R-2.  I think the annexation, the rezoning and the planned sewer and water extensions are positive steps towards growth.  Now I think there should be a discussion about the future of this area.
The Plan Commission needs to spend a little time forming a vision for this area.  The rezonings are a step in the right direction, but I believe they should take the reins, meet with the property owners and look at what should happen.  Of course I have my opinions…  

  1. The Plan Commission should explore expanding their zoning boundaries to reflect the additional area allowed under the 2 mile limits.   Culver has not taken in their allowable zoning area to the West in the past due to opposition from land owners.  An educational program should begin so that those owners understand the benefits of coming under Culver’s Zoning Ordinance.  The newly adopted Marshall County Zoning Ordinance is much more restrictive than Culver’s Zoning Ordinance and I think some of those land owners would be surprised by the restrictions they are now under which would be removed under Culver’s Ordinance.
  2. The Plan Commission and the Town Council should begin planning how infrastructure should be extended to serve the newly annexed land.  The Town has taken the first steps in the sewer and water extension project scheduled to begin this Spring, but they should be looking at what it would take to serve not only this newly annexed land, but all of the land between South Main Street and State Road 17 AND the potential for additional development further south and west.  This should include reviews of available topographic maps to determine where gravity sewers can be used and where the best locations are for lift stations. They should consider where water lines can best be run and how loops can be created to provide redundant service.  Stormwater control for this area is entirely different since this area, unlike most of Culver, drains away from Lake Maxinkuckee.  This will require coordination with the Marshall County Commissioners, the Marshall County Surveyor and Marshall County Drainage Board since ultimately the stormwater from these areas will flow outside of Culver into the jurisdiction of the surrounding County.  Another important entity that is often left out of these discussions is NIPSCO.  Providing gas and electric to this area is an important part of the discussion.  The other private utilities (phone, cable, etc.) are important as well, but are generally less constrained by access.
  3. Separate but related to the above infrastructure issue is the need to plan and direct the various right-of-ways to serve this area.  Looking at the street map for Culver, Mill Street is the last street on the south side of Culver to connect to State Road 17 to the west.  The next connection is 19th Road, a County Road, which needs improvement. I believe another connection to State Road 17 is warranted as this area develops and I believe the logical place for this extension would be at the intersection of South Main Street and West Shore Drive on the south side of the cemetery. This would improve access to town from the South, both for day to day residential needs as well as emergency services.  This issue would require coordination between the Town, the County, INDOT and the affected land owners, all of which would take time and should start as part of a long range plan.  Along South Main Street, the existing intersections should be examined and a determination should be made as to which of these should be encouraged for development for minor streets into the newly annexed property.  Aligning these intersections would promote safer traffic patterns.    Depending on density projections, turn lanes may be warranted.  All things are more economically planned prior to imminent development.
  4. The Plan Commission and the Town Council should look at the existing infrastructure in this area to determine what improvements are needed.  Residential development will increase the need for new sidewalks to accommodate children walking to school and residents walking to the downtown business district.  Much of the sidewalk in this area has been neglected and is in unsafe condition.   The Town has been making progress on correcting accessibility issues, but many still exist in this area.  There is no stormwater infrastructure on South Main Street.  There are no curbs on this section of South Main Street.
  5. The Plan Commission should re-examine the zoning needs. Should additional Commercial Zoning be added to the south side of the downtown business district allowing growth in this direction to serve the new development?  (I recently looked at all of the real estate websites and found only one vacant parcel of land for sale that is zoned commercial and it is the 7 acre Cultice property on the the north side of Culver on State Road 10 & 17.)  The Plan Commission may alternatively (or also) consider additional Commercial Zoning in or near the newly annexed land which would provide needed services within walking distance of these residential areas.  They should consider additional Park land to serve these residents and they may want to consider a Municipal set-a-side to accommodate a possible fire substation, another water tower or other municipal needs.

These are functions with which the Plan Commission is charged. They are fortunate to have resources such as the Second Century Committee to draw on for community input. The newly forming Main Street organization may prove to be a helpful resource as well.  The Plan Commission should take take this opportunity to get out in front of these issues before they are forced to react to them.

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