The Culver Boys and Girls Club is having its annual fund raising event at the Culver Academies on Friday, June 19th in the Multi-Purpose Room. The theme this year is “The Fabulous ’50s”. Support the kids and have a great time at the Fabulous ’50s Silent Auction & Party. Enjoy food, beer, wine, and cocktails from local restaurants all while having the opportunity to bid on exciting silent auction items from vaction stays and sports tickets and memorabilia, to orginial works of art. See a special performance by acclaimed hula hoop artist Kara Vogt and cheer on 11 local celebrities as they compete in a spirited hula hoop contest. Tickets are $40 each or 2 for $75 and may be purchased in advance or at the door.
This group does a wonderful service helping Culver Youth with after-school activities, homework help and general good citizenship. For more information regarding the event you can visit their site here. There is also a silent auction and they have pictures of many of the auction items at the website as well. There are also opportunities to sponsor events.
If you go to the event you may be sitting your drink on one of the 9 cafe table tops donated by Easterday Construction Co., Inc. for the event. We sent those out last week for assembly by the table base makers. We appreciate all the efforts of the volunteers that run this organization and were pleased to be able to help with this event.