A few months back a group of Culver’s Realtors visited the Plan Commission at a regular meeting. They had concerns regarding the sign section of the Zoning Ordinance and how it was being administered. Most of the administration concerns were that, after years of lax enforcement, our current Building Commissioner has stepped up to the plate and is enforcing the rules that have been on the books for years… as he should. I’m always frustrated that those of us that follow the rules are put at a disadvantage by those that ignore the rules because there are no consequences.
The Plan Commission listened to their concerns and explained to them that the things that they wanted were possible, but not without a change to the Ordinance. They explained the process involved with changing the Ordinance. They explained that there was a committee being formed that was going to review the Ordinance. They explained that they were looking for volunteers to serve. Let’s just say there wasn’t a rush to the table and a fight over the sign up sheet. Brings to mind one of my favorite editorial cartoons from several years back, captioned, “What??? Me serve on the Committee? Then I wouldn’t be able to complain!”
The Plan Commission was again gracious and let them know that the committee meetings would be open to the public and they would deal with the sign section first. Anyone would be welcome to provide input. The first meeting was last month. There was no audience. The next meeting is this coming Wednesday, 8/20/08, at 6:30. If you decide to go, I wouldn’t worry about getting a seat…
I am serving on this committee. The Plan Commission and the Zoning Ordinance have an effect on my business. They also shape the community in which my business resides. I am a property owner in Culver and also own property within the 2 mile extended zoning district. I think it’s important to be involved and help shape the destiny of the community rather than to complain after the fact. NFIB says, get involved in politics or get out of business. This is politics on the local level and it affects the destiny of all Culver property owners, whether they call Culver their home and vote here or not.
I cut volunteers a lot of slack. I’ve Been There, Done That. They are trying to do good even when they don’t get it right. The compensation sucks for the grief they often receive. We all bear some responsibility in their mistakes if we haven’t taken the time to offer our help and input which could have made those mistakes avoidable.
Kevin L. Berger
By Culver Zoning Ordinance – Zoning Lots « Easterday Construction September 26, 2010 - 10:48 pm
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