Rev. Dr. Ronald Liechty
Easterday Construction Co., Inc. lost another good friend last week with the passing of the Reverend Dr. Ronald Liechty. As President of Garden Court, Ron was a client through the seven Garden Court projects Easterday Construction Co., Inc. has completed. As often happens with good people, Ron also quickly became a friend. You often hear the accolade, “He’s a gentleman and a scholar.” That was Ron.
Along with our interaction on Garden Court projects I also had the opportunity to work with Ron through our mutual involvement in PIDCO, MCCF and the Community Resource Center. Among various other groups to which Ron volunteered his time, Ron set the bar very high in his examples of volunteerism, philanthropy and community leadership. I had the opportunity to attend his retirement party when he left the Presidency of Garden Court and his 80th birthday party. The number of people in attendance at both events and the uproaring of goodwill shared there was testament to how he had touched many lives in the community. Ron’s ability to lead and to find amicable resolutions will be missed. I counted Ron as a personal friend who will not be replaceable. I want to extend my personal condolences as well those of the Easterday Construction Co., Inc. family to Ron’s family. I’m sure they’re aware of how many lives he’s touched but this is just a reminder of how he touched ours.
By Garden Court Board Position :: Easterday Construction January 30, 2017 - 1:49 pm
[…] was through Garden Court that I met and became friends with Ron Liechty. Ron worked tirelessly for the organization. It was one of the many causes in which he believed and […]