Bass Lake Shore Club BZA Hearing

The Shore Club LogoWe have been working with the new owners of The Shore Club to reopen the restaurant on the north end of Bass Lake.  I remember going to The Shore Club for years and I’m excited that we’re involved with its rebirth!

Last Thursday evening we appeared before the Starke County BZA to request a Conditional Use Variance to allow the restaurant to reopen.  It was heartwarming to hear the reminiscences from those there about past good times at The Shore Club.  There was even one unsolicited audience member that we didn’t know who stood up and voiced her support!

The Variance was required because of the gap in restaurant use between the time the restaurant closed and now.  The property is in a Residential District.  The Variance was granted unanimously.

The new owners look forward to reopening the facility as a restaurant and banquet center.  We will be doing interior remodeling and some minor exterior remodeling to bring it into line with ADA standards.  The interior will be updated and modernized.  There will be revisions to increase the parking for the facility as well.  We are excited to be involved with this project.

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