Blast from the Past: St. Mary of the Lake
St. Mary of the Lake – Blessing of the Pets
St. Mary of the Lake Restroom Renovation
St. Mary of the Lake Day Care Sandbox
St. Mary of the Lake North Addition – Culver, Indiana
The final product far exceeded expectations and the Church has been extremely pleased with their new Day Chapel and the enhancements to the Sanctuary.
ECC wins ABC Award of Excellence!
Easterday Construction Co., Inc. has won an ABC Award of Excellence for the renovation and addition work completed at St. Mary of the Lake Catholic Church in Culver!
40 Years with ABC
Blast From the Past: Restroom Renovations
Kevin L. Berger Resume
Kenney History Article
Thoughts on the 12/20 Plan Commission Meeting
There were three hearings for rezoning properties from R-1 to R2. I question the rational for these changes.