Beeson Hall – Girls Dorm, Main Barracks Remodel, Skeet Cabin, Vaughn Equestrian Center, Woodcraft Camp, etc. We have been serving Culver Academies for many years on many other projects as well.
This project included the addition of a chairlift and the creation of a porte cochere for the drop off of Church members in inclimate weather or for Church members unable to walk from the parking lot to the doors.
Easterday Construction Co., Inc. had just completed the elevator addition at Wanatah when we received a call from Mr. Wes Kesler regarding his Church in Door Village. They had been considering installing an elevator and had heard about our work at Wanatah. Mr. Kessler introduced us to Pastor Jones and together we worked through several options to determine what would work best for the Church.
The final product far exceeded expectations and the Church has been extremely pleased with their new Day Chapel and the enhancements to the Sanctuary.