I’ve written about Ron Liechty here before and one of the endorsements on our site is written by Ron. Ron is a good friend and has been a wonderful inspiration throughout the years I’ve known him.
Two weeks ago Ron suffered a stroke and is working to recover at Loyola Medical Center in Chicago. For those that aren’t aware and would like to follow his progress, his wife Anna is keeping up a journal of progress on the Caring Bridge website here. I wanted to include the links here in case anyone that follows me wasn’t aware of the situation and wanted to check in on Ron.
Ron is a cherished personal friend. The thoughts and prayers of all those he touched in the Easterday Construction family are with him.
By Vera Atha October 15, 2014 - 4:01 pm
Dear Rev. Liechty,
You may or may not remember me, but I was the HUD rep, Vera, that worked with you on Lapaz & Culver. Anyway, I was emailing with Kevin Berger & he told me that you had a stroke. I was so sorry to hear that, but glad to hear that you were in rehab & in your picture you look Great!
Keep working hard in rehab,( though sometimes it probably seems that it’s a new form of torture and harassment, but they have your best interest at heart….sort of like God, His ways are not our ways, but it all works as it should ).
You stay Strong, take care & I will keep you in my prayers,