27 years of Membership with ABC
Last Thursday was the monthly meeting of the Michiana Council for ABC of Indiana. They started something new where they listed the length of membership for each member’s company, i.e., 27 years of membership for Easterday Construction Co., Inc. We were the company with the second longest membership there!
We have been members of ABC since before I joined the company. Their free enterprise philosophy and merit shop philosophy are ones that we embrace. I have served on the State Board for 11 years. I served three consecutive three year terms several years ago and then after a break, have returned to the Board and I am two years into my current term.
Author and Businessman David Bego
The guest speaker was David Bego, author of The Devil at My Doorstep. He told of his battle with SEIU and their attempt to organize his company. It was a depressing story that has been going on for 5 years and appears to be continuing. His thoughts on the falsely named Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) were insightful. He believes that this legislation is far from dead and that its goals are more insiduous than we have been led to believe. I received an autographed copy of his book and I’ll probably talk about it more here after I have read it.
By ECC Anniversary with ABC :: Easterday Construction October 2, 2014 - 2:13 pm
[…] recent ABC meeting our council manager, Felisha Minnich, had a list of all the members present with the dates they joined ABC. It turns out Easterday Construction Co., Inc. joined Associated Builders and Contractors of […]