The official Ground breaking ceremony for Culver Garden Court was held on April 8, 2011 at the site. See more here.
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Cass, Fulton, Kosciosko, Marshall, Pulaski, Starke
Akron, Argos, Bass Lake, Bourbon, Bremen, Bruce Lake, Claypool, Culver, Donaldson, Fulton, Grass Creek, Grovertown, Hamlet, Kewanna, Knox, Lake Maxinkuckee, Lakeville, LaPaz, Leesburg, Ligonier, Logansport, Medaryville, Mentone, Milford, Monterey, Monticello, North Judson, North Manchester, Pierceton, Peru, Plymouth, Pretty Lake, Rochester, Royal Center, San Pierre, Silver Lake, South Whitley, Wabash, Walkerton, Warsaw, Winamac, Winona Lake